What Tomorrow’s Sustainability Leaders Can Learn from Wildcatters

Green Palms and Good Times
2 min readApr 24, 2023


When we think of oil and gas, we often think of environmental destruction and unsustainable practices. However, there’s a lesson to be learned from the wildcatters of the past who tapped into natural resources in a sustainable way. Those of us hoping for a career in sustainability management can learn a lot from these resourceful and innovative pioneers.

Wildcatter and Oklahoma State Univeristy alumni T. Boone Pickens was worth $1 billion USD when he died.

Wildcatters were independent oil prospectors who searched for oil and gas in unexplored territory. They were often underfunded and lacked the resources of big oil companies, but they made up for it with ingenuity and perseverance. Wildcatters were known for their ability to make the most of limited resources, taking on high-risk ventures and coming up with creative solutions to problems.

Today, sustainability management faces many of the same challenges as wildcatters. They need to be resourceful and innovative, finding new ways to conserve resources, reduce waste, and operate effectively and efficiently.

Sustainability management leaders should embrace the spirit of the wildcatter’s value of risk-taking. Wildcatters were not afraid to take on high-risk ventures, knowing that the potential rewards were worth the risk. Sustainability management can adopt the same mindset, taking on new initiatives that may be risky but have the potential to pay off in the long run. For example, investing in renewable energy technologies may be expensive upfront, but it can lead to significant cost savings in the future.

Wildcatters also understood the importance of resourcefulness. With limited resources, they made the most of what they had. Sustainability management can adopt the same mindset, finding ways to operate more efficiently and effectively with limited resources. This can include things like reducing waste, conserving water and energy, and finding new uses for existing resources.

Finally, sustainability management can learn from the wildcatters’ innovative spirit. They were known for coming up with creative solutions to problems, often using unconventional methods to tap into new sources of oil and gas. Sustainability management can adopt the same mindset, finding new and innovative ways to reduce their environmental impact and operate more sustainably.

The wildcatters of past can be incredibly inspirational for tomorrow’s sustainability leaders. By adopting the same mindset of risk-taking, resourcefulness, and innovation, future CSOscan develop effective and efficient strategies that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.



Green Palms and Good Times

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